July 9, 2023

Peter explains: Authenticity and honesty on the table

Mie made according to an age-old process.

Everyone should have the pleasure of experiencing, feeling, smelling and tasting the authentic taste and structure of traditional rolled noodles. Why? Because authentic rolling smide is honest, healthy and of excellent quality. Honest raw materials, back to the basics of food, without additives. Made with flours that have been carefully formulated for the preparation of unique rolled smie.

Everything stands or falls with the basics

In the Oriental dish, the basics are always central. A base of noodles or rice. But if the base is not 100% original and authentic, the dish is not right. Most professionals don’t use the right base for their dishes. Pasta is used as noodles. The result is a dish that does not have the right taste, structure, smell and experience. We bring authenticity and honesty to the table. We do not add excipients but only use the source. The process of preparing folded dough, rolling out several times is as it has been done for centuries and as it should be. Honest and original. We literally bring the source of Asia to the table. With the tradition of a real family business. We make special products with a story. Our noodles are the carrier of taste. We compete on that taste, not on price. We choose to remain honest and authentic. Every single day. You can taste it! That is why we do not add E-numbers or other additives to our noodles. That would make our process a lot easier and cheaper, but that’s not who we are. We are persistent in our quality. Nothing leaves our factory until it’s perfect. We want to deliver the best possible products. Only when every ingredient is good are we satisfied. We’ll keep going until it’s perfect. We don’t stop earlier.

Unique, firm bite

Our noodles have a firmer bite than most of the noodles on the shelf. That sturdiness makes our product unique, distinguishes us from the rest. That’s what authentic noodles should taste like. Chinese and Asians know this, Dutch people who actually eat pasta mienestjes when they prepare noodles may have to get used to it. But I dare to say that in the end everyone likes our hearty tasty noodles better!

Development and innovation

Nowadays, there are many companies that develop concepts based on convenience and speed. Think of wok-to-go dishes or salads. In many of these companies, there is less expertise available and it is therefore necessary for us to deliver a good, consistent quality of cooking. Possibly even pre-cooked by us! To keep up to date with the experiences with our products, we regularly visit customers to see how their production process works. It is important that our customers are able to process our products properly and that they are in line with their process. We regularly play a role in the development of their recipes and concepts. We know what trends and market developments there are. This allows us to support our customers in their entire process, from raw material supplier to end product. I think it is important that our products meet the nutritional and health needs of the market. That is why we are inexhaustible in our pursuit of perfect products and with our line of Healthy Noodles we are leading the way!
